Romance novel cover for Midnight Shadow

Midnight Shadow is here!

Midnight Shadow is a medieval romance adventure filled with excitement and intrigue, secret identities and dangerous enemies, suspense and action, and an undeniable passion that rises above all fears. Lady Bria Delaney Raised on the adventurous stories of the Midnight Shadow, Bria Delaney longs to wield a sword and fight against tyranny.  When the unjust […]

Sample Saturday! – Midnight Shadow

Sample Saturday! – Midnight Shadow

An excerpt from my novel, Midnight Shadow – Terran almost discovers Bria’s secret! – “Tell us how you’ve been secretly meeting with the Midnight Shadow,” Terran finished. For a long moment, she couldn’t move.  She thought she’d misheard him. But he continued in a dark, dangerous voice.  “Tell your father how he tasted your charms before […]

Taking It From The Beginning – Part 1

Taking It From The Beginning – Part 1

Have you ever wondered what the process is for writing a book?  For every author it is different.  I start with characters or a scene or something that interests me enough to write about.  For this blog, I’m going to take you through the steps I’m taking to start my newest book, as of yet untitled.  […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 9

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 9

Here’s the quote for the week – “Forget all the rules. Forget about being published. Write for yourself and celebrate writing.” – Melinda Haynes

Sample Saturday – The Angel and the Prince

Sample Saturday – The Angel and the Prince

From my romance novel, The Angel and the Prince – Ryen DeBouriez first sees the The Prince of Darkness on the battlefield – She scanned the battlefield.  Only a few tents remained standing and only a few Englishmen held their ground and refused to turn and run.  Amid the armored men and flashing swords that […]

Inspirational Quote Monday!

Inspirational Quote Monday!

Happy Memorial Day!  Here’s the quote for the week – “Writing is work, but it’s also a compulsion, and once you get your characters on paper, you can’t abandon them. You have to respond to them.” – Rosamunde Pilcher    

Sample Saturday! – The Lady and the Falconer

Sample Saturday! – The Lady and the Falconer

Here’s a sample from my novel, The Lady and the Falconer – Solace Farindale hurries to reach the castle before the drawbridge is closed! – The horse raced forward, seemingly oblivious to the danger ahead, the fires burning behind it pushing it on. Solace pulled back sharply on the reins, but the horse continued to […]

The Lady and the Falconer on iBooks

The Lady and the Falconer on iBooks

The Lady and the Falconer is now available on iBooks for your iPad or iPhone. The Lady and the Falconer is an exciting medieval romance novel filled with dark and dastardly villains, a castle under siege, a mysterious falconer on a deadly mission, a beautiful lady determined to keep her people safe, and a romance that […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 7

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 7

Here’s the quote for the week – ““Books are never finished they are merely abandoned.” – Oscar Wilde

Sample Saturday! – Knight of Honor

Sample Saturday! – Knight of Honor

Here’s a sample from my medieval romance, A Knight of Honor – the hero, Slane Donovan, encounters an enemy – “If you hurt her, your death will be a most unpleasant one,” Slane replied evenly. “Your brave words don’t fool me,” Hugh snorted.  “I know of your kind.  Your code.  You’re supposed to protect her.  […]