Inspirational Quote Monday! #35 of 2013

Inspirational Quote Monday! #35 of 2013

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday! Here’s the quote for the week – “We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”  – Frederick Keonig



Congrats to Tara, the winner of my contribution to the Fall Into Romance Blog Hop! She won an ebook copy of A Knight of Honor and a $10 Amazon gift card.  Congrats, Tara!

Lost Souls Resurrection by Laurel O'Donnell

Book of the Day!

Lost Souls: Resurrection is the Book of the Day on trindiebooks!  Check it out and get your free copy!

First Kiss Friday – Rogues Hostage by Linda McLaughlin

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Linda McLaughlin, author of historical romance novel Rogues Hostage.  Welcome back, Linda!  Here’s the first kiss between Jacques and Mara. (Note: This excerpt starts with Jacques lacing Mara’s bodice because she injured her wrist.)   When he’d finished lacing her bodice, Corbeau took her chin in his strong brown hand […]

Halloween Scavenger Hunt!

You can pick up some awesome prizes at this scavenger hunt sponsored by Night Owl Reviews! Drop by, sign up and get searching for the answers!  I’m giving away all 4 episodes of the Lost Souls series, Resurrection, Imperfection, Deception and Altercation, plus a $10 Amazon Gift card!  The scavenger hunt runs from September 15th […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! #34 of 2013

Inspirational Quote Monday! #34 of 2013

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday! Here’s the quote for the week – “Smile every chance you get.  Not because life has been easy, perfect, or exactly as you had anticipated, but because you choose to be happy and grateful for all the good things you do have and all the problems you know you don’t have.” […]

Storyfinds Award Winning Themed Week!

Storyfinds Award Winning Themed Week!

Storyfinds is featuring books that have won awards this week – September 22nd – 28th.  Angel’s Assassin is one of the feature books.  Drop by and find some new exciting novels to read!  

One More Day to Enter to Win!

One More Day to Enter to Win!

Only one more day left for your chance to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card and one copy of my ebook, A Knight of Honor.  All you have to do to be eligible to win is 1. Subscribe to my blog (on the left side below like me on Facebook) 2. Like the Fall Into Romance […]

First Kiss Friday – Buried Truth by Brenda Maxfield

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Brenda Maxfield, author of Young Adult novel Buried Truth.  Welcome Brenda!  Here’s the first kiss between Mags and Andrew. First Kiss from Buried Truth by Brenda Maxfield Ocean Mist Book One (YA)   “Mags?” I swirled around to face Andrew. “You’re crying. What’s wrong?” he asked. “I’m not crying.” I […]

Fall Into Romance Blog Hop

Fall Into Romance Blog Hop

I love fall!  So, this Fall Into Romance Blog Hop is perfect for me.  I will be giving away a $10 Amazon Gift Card and one copy of my ebook, A Knight of Honor.  All you have to do to be eligible to win is 1. Subscribe to my blog (on the left side below […]