Medieval Monday! First Encounter in Betrothal by Jenna Jaxon!

It’s Medieval Monday! Today, I am honored to feature the gifted Jenna Jaxon and the excerpt from Betrothal.   It’s about – The heart can choose, but can it also change? Lady Alyse de Courcy has fallen in love with Lord Braeton, a nobleman in King Edward III’s court and a man to whom she […]

Spooktacular Giveaway!

Hop on over to the Spooktacular Giveaway and enter to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card and a $25 Amazon Gift Card! The contest runs October 27th – 31st. Sign up before your time runs out!    

Congrats! Winner!

Congrats to Margie Shaw for winning the Kindle Paperwhite! Thank you to everyone who entered the contest and followed me on Amazon and Bookbub, and signed up for my newsletter. Thank you for reading my novels!    

Medieval Monday! First Encounter in Her Christmas Knight by Nicole Locke!

It’s Medieval Monday! Today, I am honored to feature the talented Nicole Locke and the excerpt from Her Christmas Knight.   It’s about – A knight to protect her—this Yuletide  By order of the English king, Alice of Swaffham searches London nobility for the traitor dealing information to the Scots. Little does she know that […]

Thank you Contest!

I can’t thank you, my readers, enough for all your support. I truly couldn’t do it without you. As a thank you, I’m giving away a Kindle Ereader to one lucky reader! To enter the contest, go to the link below. Good luck to all and keep reading!   a Rafflecopter giveaway

Lost Souls!

Step into the world of the Lost Souls –   Souls who refuse to pass into the afterlife become wandering spirits, trapped between the world of the living and the dead. These are the Lost Souls. Some of these Lost Souls have banded together, uniting to fight against an evil endangering both their existence and […]

Introducing Skittles!

Take a break from the hectic week and enjoy my introduction of Skittles. Skittles is unlike any other cat I’ve known. Okay, I’ll admit each cat has their own personality and quirks. But Skittles is driven solely by food. Chicken, to be specific. Although, she will eat just about anything. My son taught her to […]

Medieval Monday! First Encounter in For All of Ever by Sherry Ewing!

It’s Medieval Monday! Today, I am honored to feature the amazing Sherry Ewing and the excerpt from For All of Ever.   It’s about – Sometimes to find your future, you must look to the past… Katherine Wakefield has dreamed and written of her knight in shining armor all her life. Never finding a man […]

It’s Here! Immortal Death!

Introducing Momo!

You’ve met my long-haired cats, Charming and Rogue. Now, meet Momo. Yes, it’s a strange name. My children named her after the character in Avatar. Momo is a little overweight. Everyone thinks she is a mean cat, but I think she’s just moody. When she doesn’t want to be pet, she growls. And she looks […]