First Kiss Friday – Butterflies Are Free by Debby Lee

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Debby Lee, author of sweet romance Butterflies are Free.  Welcome Debby!  Here’s the first kiss between Lena Thumble and Lance Wearly. Ten days passed and Lance filled every one with adventure and excitement. Late one evening, Lena found herself walking along Alki Beach hand in hand with him. They had […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 28

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 28

Happy Halloween!  It’s Inspirational quote Monday.  Here’s the quote for the week – “Where there is no imagination there is no horror.” ~ Arthur Conan Doyle, Sr.

Taking It From The Beginning – Part 15

Taking It From The Beginning – Part 15

Chapter 9!  The vampire who had turned into a man from drinking Quinn’s blood is tied up in a hotel room with Quinn while Kurt goes for supplies (and probably lays out some traps for the blood suckers!).  The vamp/man tells Quinn he can feel he’s changing back into a vampire again and demands her […]

Blogging at Savvy Authors!

Blogging at Savvy Authors!

I’m blogging about Halloween at Savvy Authors!  If you’ve got a moment, please stop by and comment!

Medieval Romance Sample Saturday featuring The Angel and the Prince

Medieval Romance Sample Saturday featuring The Angel and the Prince

Here is a sample from The Angel and the Prince The hero Bryce Princeton is mesmerized by his enemy, the female french warrior Ryen DeBouriez. She straightened her shoulders, adjusted her sleeve, and moved to the corner of the cave where he had placed the food.  She knelt, her small hands scooping up the red […]

First Kiss Friday – Nothing But Trouble by Lisa Mondello

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Lisa Mondello, author of contemporary romance Nothing But Trouble.  Welcome Lisa!  Here’s the first kiss between Stoney Buxton and Melanie Summers. “All this time I thought you were acting this way because you hated me,” she said quietly. He rolled his eyes and gave a wry laugh. “I […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 27

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 27

Here’s the quote for the week (thanks Lynn) – “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”  ~Mother Teresa

Lost Souls: Resurrection Now Available for the Nook

Lost Souls: Resurrection Now Available for the Nook

Lost Souls: Resurrection – Episode 1 is now available for purchase on the Nook. It’s the start of a brand new urban fantasy series. Since it is an episodic paranormal series, and the stories will be shorter than full length novels, we have them priced at only $.99 cents.  

Taking It From The Beginning – Part 14

Taking It From The Beginning – Part 14

I’m on Chapter 8 now!  The vampire that has attacked them and drunk Quinn’s blood is now a human man.  She is a cure for vampirism.  Of course, Kurt is going after Joe.  He can’t let the vamps have him.  Kurt gets Quinn and the now human to another hotel.  He makes sure they’re safe […]

First Kiss Friday – In Sunshine or In Shadow by Cynthia Owens

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Cynthia Owens, author of historical romance In Sunshine or In Shadow.  Welcome Cynthia!  Here’s the first kiss between Rory O’Brien and Siobhan Desmond. “The people of Ballycashel are my people now, Siobhán—” “Your slaves, you mean.” “They are free to go whenever they please. And if anyone comes to me wanting […]