Inspirational Quote Monday! – 4

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 4

Here’s the quote for the week – “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”  ~William Wordsworth    

A Knight of Honor is on iTunes

A Knight of Honor is on iTunes

A Knight of Honor is on iTunes. Now available on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iBooks. You can download iBooks from the App Store or iTunes Store. iBooks is an amazing new way to download and read books on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch – including A Knight of Honor!  

The Angel and the Prince on iTunes

The Angel and the Prince on iTunes

The Angel and the Prince is on iTunes by Laurel O’Donnell The Angel and the Prince is available on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iBooks. iBooks is an amazing new way to download and read books on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. You can download iBooks from the App Store or iTunes Store […]

Sample Saturday!

Sample Saturday!

Here’s a short sample from my novel A Knight of Honor! Scowling in confusion, Slane pulled the pouch open.  It was empty save for a piece of parchment.  The beginnings of outrage ate at the borders of his mind.  His jaw clenched tight as he pulled the parchment out and unfolded it. Lord Slane, Thank […]

Now on Shelfari – Laurel O’Donnell author page

Now on Shelfari – Laurel O’Donnell author page

We just put up an author page on Shelfari. Laurel O’Donnell on Shelfari If you are a Shelfari member, please stop by for a visit.   If you’re not a member, consider joining and friending us on Shelfari.  It’s a great site for book lovers!

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 3

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 3

Here’s the quote for the week – “Writing is a form of therapy; sometimes I wonder how all those who do not write, compose, or paint can manage to escape the madness, melancholia, the panic and fear which is inherent in a human situation.”  – Graham Greene    

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 2

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 2

“There are three rules for writing a novel.  Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.” – W. Somerset Maugham    

Laurel O’Donnell Author Page on

Laurel O’Donnell Author Page on

Hello all.  Just wanted to let you know that I now have an official author page on — laurel o’donnell on If you are a member of goodreads, feel free to stop by my page.  They have some fun quizzes on my books, with some very challenging questions.  I’d love to hear from anyone […]

Watch book trailers, movie trailers and more on TrailerSpy

Watch book trailers, movie trailers and more on TrailerSpy

Another website devoted to book trailers, but also features tons of movie trailers, game trailers and tv show trailers, too.  The Angel and the Prince and A Knight of Honor are both featured there in the Medieval Romance group. Check out TrailerSpy    

Become a fan of medievaljack on Daily Motion

Become a fan of medievaljack on Daily Motion

Another great place to watch our book trailers! medievaljack’s videos on Dailymotion