Inspirational Quote Monday! – 19

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 19

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  Here’s the quote for the week – “There is no perfect time to write. There’s only now.” – Barbara Kingsolver

Taking It From The Beginning – Part 10

Taking It From The Beginning – Part 10

You still here?  Good.  I’ve completed chapter 4, but it’s been a rough week.  So, I’m sure that my writing has not been up to par.  My muse has really come second to getting the kids ready for school and meetings for me.  But I did it!  Chapter 4 is done.  In this chapter, Kurt […]

Historical Romance Novels Available on OmniLit

Historical Romance Novels Available on OmniLit

All of the historical medieval romance novels by Laurel O’Donnell are also now available on The Lady and the Falconer on OmniLit – save 50% through August 31st! A Knight of Honor on OmniLit Champion of the Heart on OmniLit The Angel and the Prince on OmnLit Midnight Shadow on OmniLit – get 50% off through […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 18

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 18

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  Here’s the quote for the week – “Every human being has hundreds of separate people living under his skin. The talent of a writer is his ability to give them their separate names, identities, personalities and have them relate to other characters living with him.”  – Mel Brooks

Taking It From The Beginning – Part 9

Taking It From The Beginning – Part 9

I’m through the third chapter now.  The sexual tension between Quinn and Kurt is definitely growing.  Kurt is starting to really notice Quinn.  We see Quinn use her special power to heal Kurt’s black eye.  She heals incredibly quick and Kurt is sure he saw something, but not sure what.  Quinn tells the boys she’s […]

One Week Left on A Knight of Honor Special Sale

One Week Left on A Knight of Honor Special Sale

Only 1 week left to beat the August heat with a good book and save 25% on A Knight of Honor on This special sale only lasts one more week, so if you haven’t added A Knight of Honor to your ebook collection, now is your chance to get it and beat the summer […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 17

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 17

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  Here’s the quote for the week – “Summer is kind of like the ultimate one-night stand:  hot as hell, totally thrilling, and gone before you know it.” – Cosmopolitan quote

Taking It From The Beginning – Part 8

Taking It From The Beginning – Part 8

I wrote chapter two now.  In chapter two, Quinn snuck out to meet with her band mates.  We were introduced to Mitch, the overprotective guitarist Quinn had a relationship with two years ago, Jimmy (previously Joe, but I am changing his name because Joe is Kurt’s friend…duh) the bass player and Teddy the drummer.  We […]

New Book Trailer for Champion of the Heart

New Book Trailer for Champion of the Heart

We have a second book trailer now uploaded for Champion of the Heart. If you want to see all our book trailer videos in one easy place, you can visit our YouTube channel – medievaljack

Champion of the Heart now available on iTunes and iBooks

Champion of the Heart now available on iTunes and iBooks

Champion of the Heart is now available on iTunes and iBooks.   Champion of the Heart is an exciting medieval romance filled with dark secrets and haunted castles, villainous betrayal and heartbreaking tragedy, honor and family loyalty — and a love that conquers all.