First Kiss Friday – Duty Calls by Sandra McGregor

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Sandra McGregor, author of contemporary series romance Duty Calls.  Welcome Sandra!  Here’s the first kiss between Lt. Col Dale Mitchlen and Alyson Sanders. Set up: Alyson is widowed and caring for her single-parent sister’s two-year old daughter, Katie, while the sister is on active duty with the Air […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! – #10 of 2012

Inspirational Quote Monday! – #10 of 2012

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  Here’s the quote for the week – “Every moment you get is a gift. Spend it on things that matter. Don’t spend it by dwelling on unhappy things.” – Celestine Chua

The Bride and the Brute – Top 100 free eBooks on iBooks

The Bride and the Brute – Top 100 free eBooks on iBooks

As of March 10, The Bride and the Brute was in the top 100 eBooks of all free eBooks offered on iBooks. Thanks for all your interest and support!    

First Kiss Friday – The Alliance by Georgina Lee

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Georgina Lee, author of science fiction romance The Alliance.  Welcome Georgina!  Here’s the first kiss between First Minister Toran and The Empress D’Minicah. Hello, I’m Georgina Lee, and I write sci-fi/fantasy romance. I’m offering for First Kiss Friday, the kiss between two leaders who need to unite in […]

Inspirational Quote Monday!  #9 of 2012

Inspirational Quote Monday! #9 of 2012

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  Here’s the quote for the week – “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who are alive.”  – Howard Thurman

First Kiss Friday – Confessions of a Courtesan by Elizabeth Charles

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Elizabeth Charles, author of historical fiction Confessions of a Courtesan.  Welcome Elizabeth!  Here’s the first kiss between Elizabeth Armistead and Charles Fox. Dawn found me sitting in a closed carriage on the street outside Charles’s lodgings.  I prayed he’d had the sense to snatch a few hours sleep and not […]

Inspirational Quote Monday!

Inspirational Quote Monday!

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  Here’s the quote for the week – “People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness.  Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.” – Dalai Lama I have to remember that with my teens!  🙂

Highest Rated Historical Medieval eBooks

Highest Rated Historical Medieval eBooks

The Angel and the Prince is currently in the top 5 of the Highest Rated Historical Medieval eBooks on! Thanks for all your support! You can also read more about The Angel and the Prince right here on this website.              

Inspirational Quote Monday! #7 of 2012

Inspirational Quote Monday! #7 of 2012

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  Here’s the quote for the week – “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have […]

First Kiss Friday – Lust on The Rocks by Dianne Venetta

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Dianne Venetta, author of contemporary romance Lust on the Rocks.  Welcome Dianne!  Here’s the first kiss between Samantha Rawlings and Victor Marin. “I like you, Sam.” “Me, too,” she murmured. “A lot.” He skimmed the backs of his fingers along her temple, and every inch of her wanted to […]