Almost Here!

Coming September 1st!  Not to be missed. 4 Medieval Romance Novels 4 Award Winning Authors 99 cents for a limited time!

First Kiss Friday – A Knight’s Reward by Catherine Kean

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Catherine Kean, author of medieval romance A Knight’s Reward.  Welcome back, Catherine!  Here’s the first kiss between Gisela Anne Balewyne and Dominic de Terre. Dominic stepped in front of her. He took her face in his hands and gently, but firmly, tipped it up. Her eyes huge and wet, […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! Twisted Saying #3

Inspirational Quote Monday! Twisted Saying #3

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  Here’s the next altered quote.  Hope you get a chuckle out of this one!  “We have enough “youth”.  How about a fountain of “smart”?”

First Kiss Friday – Immortal Relations by G. D. Ogan

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is G. D. Ogan, author of paranormal romance Immortal Relations.  Welcome G. D.!  Here’s the first kiss between Gary Logan and Magdalena. The roof had parapets similar to an old castle, we walked around enjoying the view; from this vantage point much of the city was visible until other buildings blocked […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! Twisted Sayings #2

Inspirational Quote Monday! Twisted Sayings #2

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  Ready for the next slightly altered saying?  Hope you grin!  “It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you place the blame.”

First Kiss Friday – Project Homecoming by Jackie Leigh Allen

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Jackie Leigh Allen, author of contemporary romance Project Homecoming.  Welcome Jackie!  Here’s the first kiss between Brian O’Neill and Nat Rodriguez. The dance came to an end too soon. The lights went up and people started to leave. “Great party,” Mrs. Andrews said. “You’ll be hearing from us.” “Yes,” […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! Twisted Sayings #1

Inspirational Quote Monday! Twisted Sayings #1

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  This month I’m going to switch it up a little bit.  I’m going to present you with common sayings with a twist!  Pay attention.  Hope you get a little chuckle out of this twisted saying – “Money isn’t everything, but it sure keeps the kids in touch.”

Winner of the Birthday Contest!

Winner of the Birthday Contest!

Congrats to Janie for winning the Audiobook of The Angel and the Prince!  Enjoy!

First Kiss Friday – The Immortal American by L. B. Joramo

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is L. B. Joramo, author of paranormal historical romance The Immortal American.  Welcome L. B.!  Here’s the first kiss between Violet Buccleuch and Jacque Beaumont. “Ah, chére, you are torturing me, you know?” His grip softened, but remained glued to my arms. “No, I don’t know. I want you to […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! #30 of 2013

Inspirational Quote Monday! #30 of 2013

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday! Here’s the quote for the week – “If the essence of my being has caused a smile to have appeared upon your face or a touch of joy within your heart, then in living – I have made my mark.” – Thomas L. Odem Jr.