First Kiss Friday – Framed In Fear by J.K. Maze

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is J.K. Maze, author of romantic suspense Framed In Fear.  Welcome J.K.!  Here’s the first kiss between Andi Holton and Detective W. D. “Mac” McAndrews. “Citizens arrest.” He nodded toward a trio of elderly women. “They’re staring. You are either going to march straight for Honey’s office, or I’m going […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! #13 of 2012

Inspirational Quote Monday! #13 of 2012

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  Here’s the quote for the week – “They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.” – Tom Bodett

RT Convention 2012

I had a great time at the Romantic Times convention!  It was wonderful to finally meet my cover designer, Kim Killion.  She is so talented and her covers are brilliant! Those two handsome guys posing with us are Brooks, featured on The Angel and the Prince (you might not recognize him with his shirt on) […]

First Kiss Friday – Intrusion by Cynthia Justlin

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Cynthia Justlin, author of romantic suspense Intrusion.  Welcome Cynthia!  Here’s the first kiss between Cam and Audra. Audra prided herself on her level head, but when it came to Cam, logic danced out the window. He’d thrown down a gauntlet and instead of walking away she’d snatched it up. How […]

Find Me at the RT Convention!

Find Me at the RT Convention!

I’m gearing up for the RT Convention in Chicago tomorrow!  What does that mean for you?  Well, for those that are attending the convention, that means if you find me, I have a free novella for you.  That’s right!  I’m giving away my urban fantasy novella, Lost Souls: Resurrection to all those that find me.  Hint […]

The Bride and the Brute – Featured on Kobo

The Bride and the Brute – Featured on Kobo

The Bride and the Brute is currently a featured Free eBook on We’re excited by the recognition.  A hearty thanks to our friends at Kobo!  

First Kiss Friday – Back at Your Door by Jasmine Aherne

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Jasmine Aherne, author of Back At Your Door.  Welcome Jasmine!  Here’s the first kiss between Anton  and Laila. “Exactly.” Anton reached across the bed and took her hand, entwining their fingers. “I just got my best friend back. I want more, I want more so much it hurts, but […]

A Knight of Honor for the Kobo eReader

A Knight of Honor for the Kobo eReader

Just another update to an older post.  We are now publishing directly with Kobo, so we just needed to update a few links,  pointing books to their new landing pages on  This post updates the Kobo link for A Knight of Honor. A Knight of Honor is now available for the Kobo eReader! A […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! #11 of 2012

Inspirational Quote Monday! #11 of 2012

Here’s the quote for the week – “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” – Plato

First Kiss Friday – Wild For You by Sophia Knightly

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Sophia Knightly, author of contemporary romance suspense Wild For You.  Welcome Sophia!  Here’s the first kiss between Marisol Calderon and Clay Blackthorne. Marisol  lunged backward and stomped on his instep with her spiked heel. Several items hit the floor as she spun around and found Clay hunched over, clutching his foot. “What the hell—” he […]