Medieval Monday! Continuing Along With The Gentle Knight

Continuing along with The Gentle Knight by the fabulous Ashley York! Forgot what the story was about?  Here’s the blurb – Brighit MacNaughton is an obedient daughter following her father’s death bed decree that she take her vows and become the virginal bride of Christ. The hired men seeing her to the Priory at Tanshelf are […]

Medieval Boxed Set! 99 Cents!

      Heroic Tales of Medieval Romance is only 99 cents until April 9th.  That’s only three days!  Four full-length novels.  Four Fabulous stories!  Get yours before the sale is over!

Medieval Monday! Continuing Along With The Saxon Outlaw’s Revenge

Continuing along with The Saxon Outlaw’s Revenge by the brilliant Elisabeth Hobbes! Forgot what the story was about?  Here’s the blurb – At the mercy of her enemy! Abducted by Saxon outlaws, Constance Arnaud comes face to face with Aelric, a Saxon boy she once loved. He’s now her enemy, but Constance must reach out to […]

Medieval Monday! Continuing Along with Beleaguered

Continuing along with Beleaguered by the talented Jenna Jaxon! Forgot what the story was about?  Here’s the blurb – When death holds sway in the world, can even the greatest love survive? Finally in France, Alyse and Thomas’s passion for one another continues to smolder hot and deep—until one fateful encounter changes everything. During a formal […]

Historical Boxed Set for Only 99 Cents!

I’m happy to present Knights and Rogues, a historical boxed set to you!  I’m honored to be part of this collection with the talented Anna Markland, Catherine Kean, and Ria Cantrell. Only 99 cents!

Brand New Medieval Set!

This set features all new stories by award-winning and bestselling authors!  Don’t miss it.  Pre-order now at 99 cents!   Amazon  

Medieval Monday! Continuing along with A Knight to Call My Own

Continuing along with A Knight to Call My Own by the gifted Sherry Ewing! Forgot what the story was about?  Here’s the blurb – When your heart is broken, is love still worth the risk? Lynet of clan MacLaren knows how it feels to love someone and not have that love returned. After waiting for six […]

Medieval Monday! Continuing the Journey with Knight Errant

Continuing along with Knight Errant by the marvelous Rue Allyn! Forgot what the story was about?  Here’s the blurb – If Sir Robert Clarwyn can’t find a way to compel Lady Juliana Verault to return to England, he’ll lose any chance of regaining his family lands and redeeming his heritage. Yet Juliana must complete her mission […]

Medieval Monday! Continuing the Journey with Lindsey

Continuing along with Lindsey by the brilliant Lane McFarland! Forgot what the story was about?  Here’s the blurb – The Daughters of Alastair MacDougall Series Set in late thirteenth century Scotland, this series tells the stories of Laird Alastair MacDougall’s four independent and oftentimes, headstrong daughters coming of age in a country fraught with war and […]

Medieval Monday! Continuing the Journey with Lucan

Continuing along with Lucan by the remarkable Bambi Lynn! Forgot what the story was about?  Here’s the blurb – Neala Comyn, wife of a powerful laird, wants to end the pain and suffering of an abusive marriage. She is a woman without hope, believing God has forsaken her. When she is kidnapped by a rival laird […]