
Posts by laurel

Inspirational Quote Monday! #20 of 2012

Inspirational Quote Monday! #20 of 2012

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  Here’s the quote for the week – “Risks must be taken  because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.” – Leo Buscaglia

First Kiss Friday – The Baby Race by Elysa Hendricks

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Elysa Hendricks, author of contemporary romance The Baby Race.  Welcome Elysa!  Here’s the first kiss between Claire and Race.  The soft stir of air woke Race from his dream of warm wet kisses and silken skin gliding over him. He twisted and grunted in disgust as a spring dug […]

Who Said It Answer!  #3 of 2012

Who Said It Answer! #3 of 2012

The quote was – “Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me… it brought me to you … You must do me this honor, Rose. Promise me you’ll survive. That you won’t give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go […]

Who Said It Wednesday…  #3 of 2012

Who Said It Wednesday… #3 of 2012

Here’s the quote – “Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me… it brought me to you … You must do me this honor, Rose. Promise me you’ll survive. That you won’t give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! #19 of 2012

Inspirational Quote Monday! #19 of 2012

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  Here’s the quote for the week – “If you treat an individual as he is, he will remain how he is. But if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be.” – Johann […]

Who Said It Answer! #2 of 2012

Who Said It Answer! #2 of 2012

The quote was “Listen to me, mister. You’re my knight in shining armor. Don’t forget it.” Ethel said it to Norman in On Golden Pond!  Did you get it right?