
Posts by laurel

Inspirational Quote Monday! #7 of 2015

First Kiss Friday – Stone of Heaven by L.A. Sartor

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is L.A. Sartor, author of contemporary romance Stone of Heaven.  Welcome L.A.!  Here’s the first kiss between Tori Carswell and Reid Hunter. First Kiss from Stone of Heaven, Book One of the Carswell Adventure Series. Book Two, Viking Gold, due out in June.   Setting: a raging river, Tori Carswell is making […]

Not to be missed! Only 99 cents!

I found this great read for you!  Only 99 cents by the very talented Kathryn Le Veque!  Get Tender is the Knight now.    

Inspirational Quote Monday! #6 of 2015

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday! Here’s the quote for the week – “When goals go, meaning goes.  When meaning goes, purpose goes. When purpose goes, life goes dead in our hands.” – Carl Jung

Winner of the Love Historicals Valentines Day Blog Hop!

Congrats to Nicole for winning a signed copy of The Angel and The Prince! Thank you to everyone who participated!  Hope you all had fun.

Winner for the Love at First Sight Blog Hop!

  Congrats to Teresa for winning the $10 Amazon Gift Card I was giving away. Thank you to everyone for participating!  Hope you had a great time and discovered some new authors!