
Posts by laurel

First Kiss Friday – Baby Stetson (Love and Music in Texas) by Nikki Barrett

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Nikki Lynn Barrett, author of contemporary romance Baby Stetson (Love and Music in Texas).  Welcome Nikki!  Here’s the first kiss between Avery Callimer and Lucas Bennett. “Wow.  This is a nice kitchen,” Lucas said, closing the door behind him. Avery faced him.  “You like to cook?” “Oh yeah.  I learned […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! #18 of 2013

Inspirational Quote Monday! #18 of 2013

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday! Here’s the quote for the week – “There are two kinds of writers: those that make you think, and those that make you wonder.” – Brian Aldiss   

First Kiss Friday – Three Hearts, One Town by Sarah Jae Foster

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Sarah Jae Foster, author of Christian Western romance Three Hearts, One Town.  Welcome back Sarah Jae!  Here’s the first kiss between Cameron Engel and Jake Collins. Cameron noticed the vacant tables around them and saw Liam stacking dirty dishes onto the counter. “I hope we didn’t keep you.” Liam peeled off […]

The Perfect Work Area

The Perfect Work Area

Most writers have a spot where they feel comfortable writing their stories.  For each writer it’s different.  I’m going to tell you about the spot I write in.  For me, the ideal spot would be on the beach somewhere.  I think that would be the most inspirational place for me.  But, since I don’t live […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! #17 of 2103

Inspirational Quote Monday! #17 of 2103

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  Here’s the quote for the week – “That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.” – Ninon de L’Enclos  

5 Stars for Angel’s Assassin!

5 Stars for Angel’s Assassin!

Writer Wonderland gave Angel’s Assassin 5 stars!  Check out the review.  I’m giving away a $10 giftcard to one lucky commenter, so be sure to leave a comment.