
Posts by laurel

First Kiss Friday – Only for You by Sherry Ewing

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Sherry Ewing, author of historical romance Only for You.  Welcome Sherry!  Here’s the first kiss between Katherine de Deveraux and Riorden. He reached for a goblet of wine and took a sip until his attention immediately flew to her over the cup rim. There was such intense longing in his gaze […]

Find of the Week! Wolf’s Castle – 99 cents!

Only 99 cents! Wolf’s Castle by Madelyn Hill

Find of the Week! Medieval Romance only 99 cents!

Only 99 cents!  Medieval romance by best selling author!  Beast by Kathryn Le Veque

Inspirational Quote Monday! #13 of 2015


First Kiss Friday – Shadows of the Past by Carmen Stefanescu

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Carmen Stefanescu, author of contemporary romance Shadows of the Past.  Welcome Carmen!  Here’s the first kiss between Genevieve and Andrew. Thinking back over her life, starting with her childhood days, Genevieve concluded she brought only misfortune to the people around her; above all to the ones she cared about: her family and […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! #12 of 2015