
Posts by laurel

First Kiss Friday – This Heart For Hire by Elysa Hendricks

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Elysa Hendricks, author of western historical romance This Heart For Hire.  Welcome Elysa!  Here’s the first kiss between Jake Gallagher and Christina Goodwin. “You did just fine. I’m living proof.” Jake watched with pleasure as a smile lit up her face. He returned it. “Tell me how your brother came […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! #4 of 2012

Inspirational Quote Monday! #4 of 2012

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  Here’s the quote for the week – “History shows us that the people who end up changing the world – the great political, social, scientific, technological, artistic, even sports revolutionaries – are always nuts, until they are right, and then they are geniuses.” – John Eliot

First Kiss Friday – Explorations by David Russell

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is David Russell, author of Explorations.  Welcome David!  Here’s the first kiss between Janice and Cedric. Sure enough, it was Cedric! Quite impressively dressed in the black of his hair colour—cords, suede shoes, velvet jacket and fine polo. In spite of blushes on both sides, recognition did not falter. “Well, […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! #3 for 2012

Inspirational Quote Monday! #3 for 2012

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  Here’s the quote for the week – “Why compare yourself with others? No one in the entire world can do a better job of being you than you.” – Unknown

First Kiss Friday – The Knight and Maggie’s Baby by Lisa Mondello

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Lisa Mondello, author of the The Knight and Maggie’s Baby.  Welcome Lisa!  Here’s the first kiss between Jonah Wallace and Maggie Bonelli. Introductions of his new mother-in-law to be moved from awkwardness to strained silence as they waited in the lobby for their turn with the justice of […]

First Kiss Friday – Cassidy’s War by Susan Macatee

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Susan Macatee, author of American Victorian romance Cassidy’s War.  Welcome Susan!  Here’s the first kiss between Cassidy Stuart and George Masters. She collapsed against him, her warm, soft body inviting his embrace. Careful not to alarm her mother, he brushed his hands over Cassidy’s back as she sobbed […]