
Posts by laurel



I don’t think I could have gotten through another weekday!  Looking forward to a weekend of relaxation, warm temps and massive writing time!    

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 6

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 6

Here’s the quote for the week – “A good novel tells us the truth about it’s hero; but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton    

Sample Saturday! – Angel and the Prince

Sample Saturday! – Angel and the Prince

From my novel, The Angel and The Prince, two enemies meet for the first time – “Enjoying yourself?” he asked, his voice low, suggestive. Through the darkness he wore like a veil, she saw the flash of his white teeth.  Ryen pulled her hands away and watched the shadows slide off his features as his […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 5

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 5

Here’s the quote for the week – “”Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”  – Rudyard Kipling    

Sample Saturday! – Lady and the Falconer

Sample Saturday! – Lady and the Falconer

From my latest romance ebook, The Lady and The Falconer – Suddenly, she was pulled up… into the arms of the falconer!  His gray eyes stared intensely at her for a moment, and strangely, the look calmed her racing heart.  Then, he pulled her after him, grabbing a large wooden half-barrel and dumping the water […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 4

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 4

Here’s the quote for the week – “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”  ~William Wordsworth