
Posts by laurel

12 Lords A Leapin’ Blog Hop and Giveaway!

The holidays are beginning!  And for this special time, we offer you a special treat!  The 12 Lords A Leapin’ Author Hop!  The Hop will run from November 17th – November 28th. Let me introduce you to my Lord.  Sir Griffin Wolfe from My Noble Knight.  While Griffin doesn’t do much leapin, he is the […]

First Kiss Friday – Stealing Moirra’s Heart by Suzan Tisdale

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Suzan Tisdale, author of the brand new historical romance novella Stealing Moirra’s Heart.  Welcome Suzan!  Stealing Moirra’s Heart is available in The Scrolls of Cridhe boxed set.  Here’s the first kiss between Moirra and John. Moirra had learned long ago, that words often were not enough to convey the message one might desire another […]

First Knights Boxed Set!

First Knights – A Medieval Collection of First Novels This is an amazing collection of firsts by eight talented authors!  Specially priced at $1.99, this set will be gone after December 31st!  You don’t want to miss this one. My medieval novel, The Angel and The Prince, is in this boxed set.  

Inspirational Quote Monday! #39 of 2014

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday! Here’s the quote for the week – “Comedy is defiance.  It’s a snort of contempt in the face of fear and anxiety.  And it’s the laughter that allows hope to creep back on the inhale.” – Will Durst

First Kiss Friday – An Impassioned Redemption by Sydney Jane Baily

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Sydney Jane Baily, author of historical romance An Impassioned Redemption.  Welcome back Sydney!  An Impassioned Redemption is only available in Love Historicals presents Lost in a Kiss: 8 Sensual and Sweet Novellas.  Here’s the first kiss between Jo Holland and Jameson Carter. “Are you toying with me?” Jo asked bluntly. Carter was right at […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! #38 of 2014

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday! Here’s the quote for the week – “Make the most of the best and the least of the worst.” – Robert Louis Stevenson