
Posts by laurel

Sample Saturday!

Sample Saturday!

Here’s a short sample from my novel A Knight of Honor! Scowling in confusion, Slane pulled the pouch open.  It was empty save for a piece of parchment.  The beginnings of outrage ate at the borders of his mind.  His jaw clenched tight as he pulled the parchment out and unfolded it. Lord Slane, Thank […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 3

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 3

Here’s the quote for the week – “Writing is a form of therapy; sometimes I wonder how all those who do not write, compose, or paint can manage to escape the madness, melancholia, the panic and fear which is inherent in a human situation.”  – Graham Greene    

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 2

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 2

“There are three rules for writing a novel.  Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.” – W. Somerset Maugham    

Inspirational Quote Monday!

Inspirational Quote Monday!

The quote for the week is “”The task of a writer consists of being able to make something out of an idea.” – Thomas Mann

Why I Love Medieval Romance Novels – Part 5

Why I Love Medieval Romance Novels – Part 5

Chivalry – The notion of chivalry comes directly from the medieval ages.  Knights lived by a code and conducted themselves with superiority.  Not only were they strong and skilled, but they also conducted themselves honorably with bravery, courtesy and gallantry toward woman.  What a notion!  It’s so romantic to think of the strongest, bravest men […]

Why I Love Medieval Romance Novels – Part 4

Why I Love Medieval Romance Novels – Part 4

Swords — Swords are so adventurous and dangerous that I couldn’t resist adding them in my blog!  Swords were a symbol of power in medieval times.  It was illegal for anyone outside the medieval nobility to own a sword.  Swords were very expensive and many of the lower classes couldn’t afford them anyway.  Knights were […]