
Posts by laurel

Taking It From The Beginning – Part 6

Taking It From The Beginning – Part 6

The Villain – The Bad Guy, the Protagonist.  This character goes by many titles, but his or her main goal in the story is to stand in the way of your hero/heroines goals.  Torment them.  Inflict misery.  That is the job of the bad guy.  He or she is a fun character to write.  Often […]

I’ve been Interviewed!

I’ve been Interviewed!

I’ve been interviewed on Kindle Author!  Check it out.

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 14

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 14

Here’s the quote for the week – ““We write to taste life twice.” – Anais Nin

Sample Saturday! The Angel and the Prince

Sample Saturday! The Angel and the Prince

Here’s an excerpt from my ebook – The Angel and the Prince – the hero loses his son – “I said on your feet!” he shouted.  A moment passed, then another.  When Runt did not move, Bryce sat on his heels, staring dumbly at the child.  It can’t be, he thought.  I won’t believe it.  […]

Taking It From the Beginning – Part 5

Taking It From the Beginning – Part 5

Secondary Characters – These characters range from brother, mother or grandmother to the wise old friend who gives sagely advise.  They are anyone who has more then a walk on part in your novel.  They can give a little spice to your work.  I love secondary characters and often give them quirks such as incredibly […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 13

Inspirational Quote Monday! – 13

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  We all need a little encouragement.  Here’s the quote for the week – “Success is a finished book, a stack of pages each of which is filled with words. If you reach that point, you have won a victory over yourself no less impressive than sailing single-handed around the world.”  – […]