
Posts by laurel

Inspirational Quote Monday! Last Post of the Year!

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday! Here’s the last quote for 2014 – “This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you want to do, and do it well. Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly. Take the power to walk in the forest and be part of […]

First Kiss Friday – Eruption: Yellowblown Series Book One by Jill Hughey

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Jill Hughey, author of New Adult Contemporary romance Eruption: Yellowblown Series Book One.  Welcome back Jill!  Here’s the first kiss between Violet Perch and Boone. BLURB Violet Perch is in the middle of the perfect college semester, hundreds of miles from Mom, with an awesome roomie and a freshman crush finally […]

Medieval Mistletoe boxed set only 99 cents!

                      Medieval Mistletoe boxed set features talented authors Catherine Kean, Denise Domning, Eliza Knight and me!  We’ve come together to give you 4 brand new novellas for this holiday season!  Tired of shopping?  These stories are perfect to relax with.  My novella is entitled Mistletoe […]

First Kiss Friday – Dragon Knight’s Medallion by Mary Morgan

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Mary Morgan, author of medieval romance Dragon Knight’s Medallion.  Welcome back Mary!  We are incredibly lucky to have Mary here today on the release day of Dragon Knight’s Medallion!  Here’s the first kiss between Stephen Mackay and Aileen Kerrigan.  Stephen was gathering some food, which Betha had prepared for him understanding he […]

First Kiss Friday – Sinful Passions by Anna Markland

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Anna Markland, author of medieval romance Sinful Passions.  Welcome back Anna!  Here’s the first kiss between Suannoch and Rodrick. Great to be back as Laurel’s guest. Thanks for having me. Today’s First Kiss is from Sinful Passions. While the title may suggest an erotic romance, this is actually the touching love […]

Lost in a Kiss Boxed Set of 8 Novellas only 99 cents!

    For a limited time only!  Lost in a Kiss Boxed set is on sale for only 99 cents!  8 novellas from talented authors featuring characters from past stories!  Did you love Angel’s Assassin?  Damien and Aurora’s story continues in my novella Cherished Protector of Her Heart, featured in the Lost in a Kiss boxed […]