
Posts by laurel

Bestseller! Only 99 cents!

Magnificent Medieval Romance! Best selling boxed set from Best selling authors, Laurel O’Donnell, Catherine Kean, Anna Markland and Kathryn Le Veque! 99 cents!  Get it while you can! Amazon Kobo Ibooks Barnes and Noble

Inspirational Quote Monday! #9 of 2015

Great Deal! Only 99 cents!

A great writer, a great deal.  What more can be said? The Rover Betrayed by Anna Markland  

Inspirational Quote Monday! #8 of 2015

First Kiss Friday – Trancing the Tiger by Rachael Slate

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Rachael Slate, author of fantasy romance Trancing the Tiger.  Welcome Rachael!  Here’s the first kiss between Sheng and Lucy. Need to touch her. Before he could stop the urge, his fingers stretched out to stroke her cheek. She tensed, but allowed the caress. Fuck, yeah. He edged forward, careful to keep […]

Only 99 cents! Great Deal!

Barbara Samuel delivers again.  Lucien’s Fall is only 99 cents!