
Posts by laurel

First Kiss Friday – Quotable by Kathy L Wheeler

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Kathy L Wheeler, author of contemporary romance Quotable.  Welcome Kathy!  Here’s the first kiss between Genna Lyndsey and Rick Johnson. Irritation filled Rick, noting the dark storefront and the hour Genna Lyndsey heedlessly took for granted. It seemed an unnecessary risk, loaded down with her purse and another bag. Probably […]

Ahhh.  Spring Break.  What Break?

Ahhh. Spring Break. What Break?

This past week was Spring Break from my day job.  A week off.  A week off! you say.  Wow.  And that’s how I looked at it.  An entire week!  Just imagine what I could accomplish writing!  Start a novella, edit a book, write, write, write.  Sigh.  Somehow it never turns out like I think. This […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! #8 of 2014

Inspirational Quote Monday! #8 of 2014

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday! Here’s the quote for the week – “The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month.” – Henry Van Dyke  

First Kiss Friday – Murder Most Foul by JoAnne Myers

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is JoAnne Myers, author of contemporary romance Murder Most Foul.  Welcome JoAnne!  Here’s the first kiss between Jackie Reeves and Walker Harmon. Smiling, while descending the staircase in her white satin pajamas, she said, “I can’t sleep, anyway. I prepared dinner, but the food is cold and the beer is […]

Time for a Giveaway!

Time for a Giveaway!

Woo Hoo!  I love my readers so much!  Time for a giveaway!   Post the name of your favorite Laurel O’Donnell hero in the comments with your email address (so I can contact you if you win).  Then tweet or Facebook this post.  Good luck! On March 31st, I’ll pick one lucky reader who had […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! #7 of 2014

Inspirational Quote Monday! #7 of 2014

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday! Here’s the quote for the week – “It’s spring fever…. You don’t quite know what it is you DO want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so! – Mark Twain