
Posts by laurel

The Angel and the Prince by Laurel O'Donnell

First Kiss Friday – The Angel and the Prince by Laurel ODonnell

Here’s the first kiss from my medieval romance novel The Angel and the Prince. His gaze boldly traveled the length of her body.  The light from the candle made her nightdress virtually transparent, allowing him to absorb every curve.  She watched as his breath became shallow. She took another step, and another, until she was […]

Find of the Week! The Gorgon by Kathryn Le Veque

Only 99 cents Bestselling author Kathryn Le Veque Medieval Romance novel The Gorgon

Inspirational Quote Monday! #18 of 2015

First Kiss Friday – Ruined by Alicia Dean

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Alicia Dean, author of historical romance Ruined.  Welcome Alicia!  Here’s the first kiss between Eliza Gilbert and Vince Taggart. She turned to lead him to the door, and he took hold of her hand. His warm fingers closed around hers, and tingles of delight rippled up her arm to her breasts. Good […]

Find of the Week! The Shattered Rose

The Shattered Rose by Jo Beverley Only 99 cents!!

Inspirational Quote Monday! #17 of 2015