
Posts by laurel

First Kiss Friday – Believe in Me by Lana Williams

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Lana Williams, author of medieval romance Believe in Me.  Welcome back Lana!  Here’s the first kiss between Lady Cristiana and Sir William de Bremont. Cristiana looked back to see Sir William’s horse bearing down on her. Panicked, she ran. She couldn’t be caught. Crashing through bushes, past branches that clawed at her […]

My Noble Knight Preorder

My Noble Knight is now available for preorder on Amazon. To celebrate, I’m giving away a $10 Amazon GC! Amazon: Synopsis: Layne Fletcher, the only girl in a family of three boys, has grown up learning to use a sword and joust, but she is not a knight. She and her brothers have been […]

Medieval Monday!  My Noble Knight!

Medieval Monday! My Noble Knight!

Today, I’m going to start the week off with an exceptional feature that the wonderful Ashley York has started.  It’s called Medieval Monday!  Here’s an excerpt from my upcoming release, My Noble Knight, due out in October!  In honor of Medieval Monday, I’ll post about a joust that the hero, Griffin Wolfe, is participating in. […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! #31 of 2014

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  Here’s the quote for the week – “Happiness is a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.” – Nathaniel Hawthorne

First Kiss Friday – The Kidnapped Bride by Heather Hiestand

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Heather Hiestand, author of historical romance The Kidnapped Bride.  Welcome back Heather!  We are extremely lucky to be given this first kiss.  The release date for The Kidnapped Bride is September 15th!  Here’s the first kiss between Lady Elizabeth Shield and Dougal Alexander. “Ye are going to do as you are […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! #30 of 2014

Happy Labor Day!  It’s Inspirational Quote Monday!  Here’s the quote for the week – “Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” – Henry David Thoreau