
Posts by laurel


It’s October 1st!  Yes, you can look outside and tell Fall is here.  But October, for me, is the month of Halloween and haunted houses.  We just had the Supermoon eclipse, so I thought the picture below was appropriate to start the month of October off with.

First Kiss Friday – A Knight’s Quest by Lana Williams

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Lana Williams, author of medieval romance A Knight’s Quest.  Welcome Lana! Thank you, Laurel, for allowing me to share the first kiss between Sir Garrick and Lady Sophia from A Knight’s Quest, my latest medieval romance.   Garrick reached out to take her hand, causing flutters in her middle. […]

Find of the Week! Boxed set for 99 cents!

Magnificent Medieval Knights! 4 full length novels! Only 99 cents! Kathryn Le Veque Catherine Kean Anna Markland Laurel O’Donnell Get it before it’s gone!

Inspirational Quote Monday! #22 of 2015

First Kiss Friday – To Take This Lord by Cheryl Bolen

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Cheryl Bolen, author of regency romance To Take This Lord, Brides of Bath, Book 4 (formerly titled An Improper Proposal).  Welcome Cheryl!  Here’s the first kiss between Sally Spencer and George Pembroke, the Viscount Sedgewick. He covered her hand. “My daughter never told me until today that each time she saw a […]

Find of the Week! 8 Book Set!

Wow!  8 medieval novels for $8.99!  And if you’re in Kindle Unlimited, you can borrow it! Knights and Damsels Catherine Kean Eliza Knight Denise Domning Laurel O’Donnell