
Posts by laurel

Inspirational Quote Monday!

Inspirational Quote Monday!

The quote for the week is “”The task of a writer consists of being able to make something out of an idea.” – Thomas Mann

Why I Love Medieval Romance Novels – Part 5

Why I Love Medieval Romance Novels – Part 5

Chivalry – The notion of chivalry comes directly from the medieval ages.  Knights lived by a code and conducted themselves with superiority.  Not only were they strong and skilled, but they also conducted themselves honorably with bravery, courtesy and gallantry toward woman.  What a notion!  It’s so romantic to think of the strongest, bravest men […]

Why I Love Medieval Romance Novels – Part 4

Why I Love Medieval Romance Novels – Part 4

Swords — Swords are so adventurous and dangerous that I couldn’t resist adding them in my blog!  Swords were a symbol of power in medieval times.  It was illegal for anyone outside the medieval nobility to own a sword.  Swords were very expensive and many of the lower classes couldn’t afford them anyway.  Knights were […]

Why I Love Medieval Romances – Part 3

Why I Love Medieval Romances – Part 3

Jousts – Knights on horseback thundering down the field with lances poised to knock down their opponent.  Tournaments to host such brilliant spectacles were found throughout Europe.  I use jousts in my novels to show my hero’s strength, his prowess.  Imagine the training the knights must have gone through to be ready for a joust!  […]

Why I Love Medieval Romance Novels – Part 2

Why I Love Medieval Romance Novels – Part 2

Knights – Is there anything more romantic than a knight in shining armor?  Handsome and intimidating on his warhorse, full plate armor or chain mail protecting his body, holding a lance or a sword.  Glorious.  Magnificent.  Strong.  The medieval knight embodies chivalry.  In my novels, my hero is almost always a knight.  I enjoy writing […]

Why I Love Medieval Romance Novels – Part 1

Why I Love Medieval Romance Novels – Part 1

Castles – Who can resist the grandeur of a picturesque stone castle set before the backdrop of a red setting sun?  The tall towers stretching high into the sky, drawbridges opening to allow villagers and merchants inside, moats ringing the fortresses for defense.  The castle provided safety in times of war and food in winter.  […]