Inspirational Quote Monday! – 5
Here’s the quote for the week – “”Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.” – Rudyard Kipling
Here’s the quote for the week – “”Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.” – Rudyard Kipling
From my latest romance ebook, The Lady and The Falconer – Suddenly, she was pulled up… into the arms of the falconer! His gray eyes stared intensely at her for a moment, and strangely, the look calmed her racing heart. Then, he pulled her after him, grabbing a large wooden half-barrel and dumping the water […]
Here’s the quote for the week – “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” ~William Wordsworth
Here’s a short sample from my novel A Knight of Honor! Scowling in confusion, Slane pulled the pouch open. It was empty save for a piece of parchment. The beginnings of outrage ate at the borders of his mind. His jaw clenched tight as he pulled the parchment out and unfolded it. Lord Slane, Thank […]
Here’s the quote for the week – “Writing is a form of therapy; sometimes I wonder how all those who do not write, compose, or paint can manage to escape the madness, melancholia, the panic and fear which is inherent in a human situation.” – Graham Greene
“There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.” – W. Somerset Maugham