
Posts by laurel

A Post About Me

A Post About Me

So, you want to learn more about me?  I’m just a normal person.  I’m a Mom.  I’m a cat lover.  I’m a home owner (yes, I hate paying taxes too!).  I love playing Sims and I love singing on Rock Band.  But what I like to do most (well, other then spending time with my […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! #6 of 2013

Inspirational Quote Monday! #6 of 2013

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday! Here’s the quote for the week – “Hope is that thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops… at all.” – Emily Dickinson

Heartbreaker Blog Hop!

Heartbreakers.  No woman likes a man who is a Heartbreaker.  He breaks your heart.  And who likes to have their heart broken?  It’s not that we don’t try, or that we don’t hope.  It’s that these men keep themselves emotionally detached.  Then, along comes the heroine, the only one who can break through that detachment and soften […]

First Kiss Friday – Arouse by Nina Lane

Today’s First Kiss Friday featured guest is Nina Lane, author of erotic romance Arouse, the first book in the Spiral of Bliss series.  Welcome Nina!  Here’s the first kiss between Olivia Winter and Professor Dean West. After dinner, we had coffee and shared a sinfully rich chocolate torte. He took a couple of bites, then […]

My Writing Process

My Writing Process

Today, I’m going to tell you a little bit about my writing process.  For me, it’s not so much a process as an emersion.  When I sit at the computer to write my story, I try to tune everything else out.  It’s usually quiet in my house, the kids at school or at friend’s houses.  […]

Inspirational Quote Monday! #5 of 2013

Inspirational Quote Monday! #5 of 2013

It’s Inspirational Quote Monday! Here’s the quote for the week – “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller