
Posts by laurel

Medieval Monday! Knight Defender by Rue Allyn

For Medieval Monday, I will be featuring excerpts about celebration!  Today, I have Knight Defender by Rue Allyn!  Enjoy! Here’s the blurb so you get an idea of what the story is about – Sent alone to Scotland to wed a wild Scot and serve the needs of her father and her king, Lady Jessamyn […]

Inspirational Quote Friday! #40 of 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

99 Cent Wednesday! Lords Seldom Play Fair

Every Wednesday, I will bring you a great deal.  A boxed set for only 99 cents.  That’s a quarter a book, or sometimes, less!  How can you beat that?       Today’s deal is Lords Seldom Play Fair         Contributing Authors Allie MacKay Tarah Scott Barbara Devlin Cheryl Bolen Brenda Jernigan […]

Medieval Monday! Mask of the Highlander by Bambi Lynn

For this Medieval Monday, I’m featuring Mask of the Highlander by Bambi Lynn!  Enjoy! Here’s the blurb so you get an idea of what the story is about – Kenna dreads her husband’s homecoming like the plague. The man she married is vile and cruel. She has prayed every day of his absence he would be […]

Inspirational Quote Friday!