
Posts by laurel

The Hawkes – Preorder Now!

Coming May 1st! Don’t miss the final installment of the Beauties with Blades series, The Hawkes. Join Sage, Raven, and Willow as they go on the adventure of a lifetime!

Historical Romance Giveaway!

Grab some free Historical Romances for TBR pile! Or snuggle up with a new author on Valentine’s Day!

Award-winning Romance!

Get some great reads! How do you know they are great? They are award-winners!

Historical Fiction Freebies for the New Year!

Load up on some free Historical romances for the new year. Find some new authors and visit some of your favorites!

Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone a happy, safe, and healthy new year!

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Enjoy the season.